How Does It Work

You can’t find the reason why certain advertisements work. How do our Ads work? We generate ads and select who they are shown to.

You are what you Like

Our Ads are targeted according to your Social Media Profile information: Age, location, education, relationship status, interests like favorite movies, music and much more at our disposal that enable our advertisers to access the aggregate data and reach the right audience for their ads.

Depending on your goals and the product that you are advertising, we can set a targeting filter to select which group of people will see your ad. This makes it possible to focus on or target the people most likely to be interested in your product, amongst the hundreds of million worldwide social media users.

Let’s walk in the advertiser’s shoes for a moment, to see how our targeting works.

If we were to promote a wedding dress sale for a wedding shop in Manchester, we would aim to show their ad to people living in the area, interested in getting married or engaged. Let’s assume that young adults (aged 20-40) would be getting married because this is the average age of newlyweds. We can also target people who have changed their relationship status from ‘single’ or ‘in a relationship’ to engaged which is targeting at its very best!

Our targeting filters give us all the targeting options we need:

Now you know which tools we can use to target you and show you ads to the people that will be generally interested in them, but most importantly you realise that every time you Like or link to something on social media sites, you like everybody else are adding personal data that will help us deliver more targeted ads to your customers.

Is this targeting system different from those used by other companies? When you search information on Google, you know that you’ll get sponsored results that are being triggered by the words you typed. Our advertisements are triggered by your customer’s personal data and interests.

Social Media vs Google Ads

Two different targeting systems

With our advertisements you can choose the audience for your ads. Targeting options allow us to filter users based on interests, demographic and geographic filters: You can reach the right audience and your ads will be seen only by users you have profiled.

Google instead, doesn’t trigger ads based on what users are interested in. Search terms typed by users trigger relevant ads. On the Display Network ads are shown on pages with related content: Google understands what the page is about and matches ads accordingly. In both cases, you have to bid on keywords, and you have no control on who is going to see your ad.

Call us Now on 01772 671355 to discuss things further on how we can change your business and bring it into today’s world.